Num. Contratto:
Responsabile ENEA:
Ruolo ENEA:
Sito Web:
Programma Quadro:
Programma UE:
Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation - WIDESPREAD - Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation - WIDESPREAD
Area Tematica:
Environment - air quality
Tipo Progetto:
CSA - Coordination and support action
Air quality still poses a challenge to health, ecosystems and climate in Europe, despite decades of positive developments. Since the adoption of the first EU legislation on ambient air, the process knowledge has increased, the remote and in-situ observing technologies have undergone major developments, and new potent ICT infrastructures have emerged. Low cost sensing technologies have enabled a paradigm shift in air quality monitoring, triggering new research needs and opportunities in order to underpin the new capabilities.
VIDIS will develop strategic partnership of VINCA Institute (SR) with leading international counterparts known for research on low-cost sensing (ENEA (IT), NILU (NO), Queensland University (AU)). VIDIS will establish scientific collaboration and networking and generate new knowledge that will allow the society to meaningfully utilize the new technologies, e.g., the emerging democratized data collection.
VINCA is recognized in atmospheric research and in-situ monitoring including low-cost technologies. In order to fully capitalize on and improve this expertise, there is a need to establish a strategic partnership with institutions excellent in areas VINCA has been pursuing. VIDIS will improve observing capabilities and develop quality systems needed to ensure meaningful data integration. It will develop artificial intelligence and machine learning methods allowing to integrate the new types of data into existing information systems. Building on methods and data collected from ongoing projects of all partners, VIDIS will establish collaborative research, education, training and dissemination activities, early stage researcher training and mobility, and support early stage researcher career development also in research administration and stakeholder contact. This will increase the innovation capacities of VINCA and partners, improve VINCA’s collaborative potential, and contribute to excellence of European research and innovation.
Attività svolta da ENEA:
ENEA metterà a disposizione i dati rilevati dai sensori MONICA (MONItoraggio Cooperativo della qualità dell'Aria), dotati di strumenti di intelligenza artificiale che hanno permesso di realizzare vere e proprie mappe della qualità dell’aria ad altissima risoluzione spazio-temporale durante le campagne di monitoraggio.
L'ENEA è leader del work package 3 nel quale è in particolare responsabile dell'organizzazione di contributi on-line di base per le summer schools coordinamendo i contributi dei diversi partner.
Partecipa inoltre ai work package:
? WP1: sviluppo del centro VIDIS che collegherà le 4 istituzioni partecipanti con competenze complementari integrandole in un Sistema di conoscenze sinergico alla creazione e al supporto di ricerche cooperative (progetti) e di programmi di training e sviluppo competenze per gli early stage researchers;
? WP2: incrementare l’esperienza del partner Widening Country (VINCA) e la leadership dei partecipanti supportando la diffusione delle competenze complementari su atmospheric science and air pollution assessment (QUT), Air Pollution Modeling (NILU) Artificial intelligence and machine learning (ENEA) . Scientific training per early stage researchers.
2023 - Amendment proroga da 36 a 42 mesi (30 aprile 2024)