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Responsabile ENEA:
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Programma Quadro:
Other programmes
Programma UE:
Interreg IPA-CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro - Cooperazione transfrontaliera assistenza alla preadesione
Area Tematica:
Energy - efficiency
Tipo Progetto:
N/A - Non applicabile
The buildings sector represents approximately 40% of the EU’s total energy consumption. In this respect, Europe has issued an ad hoc Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings and several actions have been putting in place by each Country to tackle this issue. For this, the CB cooperation between Italy, Albania and Montenegro is important in order to exchange experiences, transfer innovation aimed at reducing the heating demand (in terms of annual energy balance) and minimising the cooling peak power demand. Supporting sector operators to identify cost-effective approaches to renovations relevant to the building type and climatic zone is also considered important. As for other priorities, creating an effective system involving public institutions, sector operators and other relevant stakeholders is strongly supported, and one result expected from this is enhanced capacities of public authorities to plan and implement sustainable energy policies and measures.
EFFECTS project intends to deepen the issues related to Energy Efficiency in School Buildings in the CB Area, evaluating possible strategies of intervention to reduce the negative impact on environment and climate change, and at the same time to have a positive impact on the budget of local bodies, and on the improvement of indoor comfort.
School is the most adequate context to diffuse a culture of Sustainability and Energy saving that can be expressed not only in structural interventions, but also through educative action, participatory and sharing experiences that can and must be adopted referring to the didactical approach within the School System itself.
Through specific pilot actions, students, teachers and families will have the opportunity to closely participate actively at the
efficiency planning and renovation process and to experience its impact on the indoor environment for themselves.
Attività svolta da ENEA:
L'ENEA di Brindisi e l'ENEA di Bari insieme sperimenteranno un modulo per l'aumento della consapevolezza pubblica sui temi dell'efficienza energetica nelle 4 regioni di pertinenza del progetto partendo dalle specificità delle regioni stesse. In particolare l'ENEA di Brindisi curerà la parte relativa al trasferimento di una metodologia di approccio agli studenti per studiare il confort microclimatico e l'ENEA di Bari curerà la parte relativa all'efficienza energetica.
In particolare sono previste le seguenti fasi:
•WPM Gestione del Progetto
•WP TI Analisi e valutazione del sistema energetico
•WP T2 INVESTMENT: Caso Studio: "CBC Schools Living LAB on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources",
Data inizio del progetto 2020 ma determina di accertamento del 2021.
Costo ENEA coperto al 100% (Ulteriore contributo del 15% da fondi nazionali pari a 12.748 euro).
2022 - Prima proroga dal 28 febbraio 2022 al 30 settembre 2022 (Prot. n. ENEA/2022/27287/SSPT-PROMAS-MATAS). Inizialmente il progetto sarebbe durato 18 mesi a partire dal 01-09-2020.
2022 - Seconda proroga al 31 dicembre 2022
2023 - Terza proroga al 31 marzo 2023
2023 - Quarta proroga al 30 giugno 2023
2023 - Quinta proroga al 30 settembre 2023