Num. Contratto:
Responsabile ENEA:
Ruolo ENEA:
Sito Web:
Programma Quadro:
Programma UE:
Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry and Space - Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry and Space
Area Tematica:
Environment - air quality
Tipo Progetto:
RIA - Research and Innovation Action
Monitoring the composition of the atmosphere is a key objective of the European Union’s flagship Space programme Copernicus, with the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) providing free and continuous data and information on atmospheric composition.
The CAMS Service Evolution (CAMEO) project will enhance the quality and efficiency of the CAMS service and help CAMS to better respond to policy needs such as air pollutant and greenhouse gases monitoring, the fulfilment of sustainable development goals, and sustainable and clean energy. CAMEO will help prepare CAMS for the uptake of forthcoming satellite data, including Sentinel-4, -5 and 3MI, and advance the aerosol and trace gas data assimilation methods and inversion capacity of the global and regional CAMS production systems. CAMEO will develop methods to provide uncertainty information for users of CAMS emissions, policy, solar radiation and deposition products in response to prominent requests from current CAMS users. CAMEO will contribute to the medium to long-term evolution of the CAMS production systems and products. The transfer of developments from CAMEO into subsequent improvements of CAMS operational service elements is a main driver for the project and is the main pathway to impact for CAMEO. The CAMEO consortium, led by ECMWF, the entity entrusted to operate CAMS, includes several CAMS partners thus allowing CAMEO developments to be carried out directly within the CAMS production systems and facilitating the transition of CAMEO results to future upgrades of the CAMS service. This will maximise the impact and outcomes of CAMEO as it can make full use of the existing CAMS infrastructure for data sharing, data delivery and communication, thus supporting policymakers, business and citizens with enhanced atmospheric environmental information.
Attività svolta da ENEA:
Le attività previste dal progetto CAMEO costituiscono il naturale prosieguo del progetto CAMS50 (leader Meteo France), svolto insieme ad altri 9 istituti europei e del progetto CAMS2_40 che prevede la messa in operatività del modello MINNI al pari degli altri partner.
L’attività proposta consente all’Italia e al modello di calcolo di ENEA (diffuso tra l’altro in molteplici Agenzie Regionali per l’Ambiente) di sviluppare nuove funzionalità utili ai servizi CAMS e mantenere un livello di sviluppo pari agli altri sistemi modellistici del progetto CAMS2_40. L’ENEA dovrà sviluppare all’interno del sistema modellistico MINNI la capacità di poter assimilare i prodotti del sensore satellitare Tropomi montato su uno dei satelliti costellazione Sentinel nell’ambito del programma Copernicus.
In particolare l’attività prevede:
• di innovare algoritmi di assimilazione già esistenti
• di produrre esperimenti numerici di assimilazione per gli inquinanti CO, O3, SO2 e NO2
• di produrre report periodici sulle attività svolte
2023 - Determinazione 301/2023/SSPT-MET - Cambio responsabile da Mario Adani a Mihaela Mircea (SSPT-MET-INAT)