Num. Contratto:
Responsabile ENEA:
Ruolo ENEA:
Sito Web:
Programma Quadro:
Other programmes 2021-2027
Programma UE:
Interreg Central Europe 2021-2027 - Transnational cooperation
Area Tematica:
Circular economy
Tipo Progetto:
N/A - Non applicabile
European city centres are changing: In recent decades, they were resource-intensive centres of consumption. Currently, the online trade is growing, which increasingly shifts consumption from stationary trade to the digitalised sphere. In connection with the COVID19 pandemic, numerous shops had to close and supply chains were interrupted. In contrast, alternative and sustainable consumption models leading to more circularity and sufficiency increase. However, due to the current framework conditions these models usually only remain in their niche and are only seen by "interested parties" at most. Consumers therefore lack a central and easily accessible offer of alternative forms of consumption.
NiCE brings these two challenges together: a transformation of central places in cities that make it easy for their inhabitants to implement sustainable lifestyles and at the same time to (re)animate centres in a more circular way.
We want to show various practical approaches in different settings that consciously strengthen these new forms of consumption, make them visible in urban centres and bring all relevant actors together. One such setting is for example a "multifunctional resource centre", where several services and offers (such as different repair services) are accessible at one central spot.
NiCE partners will prepare, document and evaluate these approaches in transnational teams to develop viable, transferable models and approaches: How to use empty spaces for circular offers? How to run and economically sustain central resource centres? How to combine transnational online trade with local circular services?
Educational, inspirational, and exchange formats at transnational, national and regional level will transfer our results to municipalities, regions, providers of alternative consumption and business models, citizen associations and policymakers and invites for further joint activities to establish circular city centres throughout Central Europe
Attività svolta da ENEA:
Le attività ENEA prevedono l’esecuzione di un pilota sul tema della gestione circolare della risorsa idrica, attraverso un ULL sviluppato dall'ENEA all'interno della città di Bologna nonché la partecipazione alle attività del progetto, ai meeting interni e a quelli di diffusione dei risultati.
L'ENEA parteciperà a tutti i work package:
• WP 0 Project Management per la redazione di report di progetto e la partecipazione ai meeting con i partner;
• WP 1 Assessing, showing and framing the challenges and potentials of circular lifestyles in city centres: contribuirà all'assessment dello status quo dell'economia circolare a livello locale e regionale e alle attività di raccolta delle buone pratiche di consumo circolare a livello urbano;
• WP 2 Development of practical tools and approaches to promote circular lifestyles in city centres: si occuperà della realizzazione del pilot italiano nella città di Bologna con focus sulla risorsa idrica;
• WP 3 Transfer and capitalisation of solutions promoting circular lifestyles in city centres: svolgerà un ruolo attivo nei workshop ed eventi interattivi sui temi del progetto e nella disseminazione e diffusione delle fasi e dei risultati di progetto.
fino al 2024-11-01 il responsabile di progetto era 91410 - CAPPELLARO FRANCESCA