Num. Contratto:
Responsabile ENEA:
Ruolo ENEA:
Sito Web:
Programma Quadro:
Other programmes 2021-2027
Programma UE:
Erasmus + - EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe
Area Tematica:
Energy - hydrogen
Tipo Progetto:
2Excellence aims to establish a platform of centres of vocational excellence (CoVEs) in the field of fuel cells and green hydrogen
technologies that will forge a collaborative educational, training and development program designed to close the existing industry skills
gaps. The CoVEs will bring together all key stakeholders such as universities, VET schools, industrial partners, and governmental
bodies, forming strong links at European, national, and regional level. It is envisaged that different local clusters will be set up across
countries with strong potential in the industry (e.g., PT, ES, FR, FI, PL, and IT), with foreseen extension across Europe and a joint
focus on different aspects of the hydrogen value chain, from production to applications and cross-cutting issues. H2Excellence will
create world-class reference points for training in green hydrogen technologies for both initial training of young people, engineers as
well as for up-skilling and res-killing of adults, through flexible and timely offer of training for the skills needs of companies in the
green hydrogen sector. The VET clusters will undertake activities such as developing transnational, joint curricula, and lifelong trainings;
interaction with universities to understand the current state-of-the-art technologies; exchange of VET teachers, students, and staff;
partnerships between companies and professionals; regional ecosystems mapping and integration within the national/regional economic
and innovation ecosystems. H2Excellence brings together 24 partners from 8 different Erasmus+ EU countries (+ 1 international partner).
Fully in line with the EU Green Deal goals and energy transition targets, the project intends to create the infrastructure necessary to embed
vocational excellence in the European hydrogen sector, as well as to contribute to transforming the sector towards quality employment
and career-long opportunities.
Attività svolta da ENEA:
L’ENEA porterà avanti un’analisi approfondita dello stato dell’arte delle tecnologie delle celle a combustibile e dell’idrogeno, indicando le roadmap europee, nazionali e regionali al fine di valutare il livello di maturità di questo ecosistema, le rispettive tabelle di marcia e lo stato di attuazione dei progetti sull'idrogeno che potrebbero avere un impatto sul mercato del lavoro negli anni a venire (Task 2.1). Inoltre, sosterrà le azioni di mobilità previste dal progetto, con interesse ad ospitare e formare insegnanti e studenti sulle tecnologie per la produzione di Idrogeno verde sulla base delle iniziative e progetti di ricerca esistenti nei suoi laboratori (Task 3.7), e provvederà a supportare i partner per l’organizzazione di visite in loco dedicate a mostrare i progetti dimostrativi su larga scala (Hydrogen Demo Valley),(Task 5.4). Infine, contribuirà come pilastro scientifico alla H2Excellence European Hydrogen Academy (Task 4.6), e alla ricerca e formazione di aziende (PMI) su temi specifici dell’Idrogeno (Task 4.4).