(Num. FI60-CT-2003-508835)


Num. Contratto:

Coordinatore: UNIV. WALES (Regno Unito)



Sito Web: Sito WEB non disponibile

Programma Quadro: Sesto Programma Quadro EURATOM (2002-2006)

Programma UE: Euratom fissione NUCTECH - Fissione/tecnologie per il nucleare

Area Tematica:

Tipo Progetto: CA - Azione di coordinamento


Within the European Community and worldwide there is extensive experience in the principles and practice of radiation protection and radioactive waste management. Nuclear skills and capabilities have grown and evolved since the inception of nuclear technology in the 1940s. However, with the current stagnation of the nuclear industry it is increasingly acknowledged that the skills and expertise are not being passed on to new generations of experts. This poses a significant risk to the community who will need to manage nuclear liabilities for long times into the future in order to protect future society from radiological hazards. Notwithstanding the fact that the state of the art in nuclear waste management is undoubtedly high in many organisations, it is clear that there is continuous need for the provision of education and training in this area. The various training and education programmes throughout Europe are at different stages of development. There is undoubtedly a need for harmonisation of the numerous programmes and there would be great benefit to countries at early stages of development due to the learning experiences from the more developed organisations. The objective of this project is to develop proposals for structuring and delivering both education and training in the management of the geological disposal of high-level and long-lived radioactive wastes and spent fuel in geological formations, and radiation protection. This project is seen, as a forerunner of a more comprehensive pan-European Network in this area, which it is planned, will emerge from this work. The project activities will be carried out in two phases. Phase 1 will involve national evaluations of both the needs for education and training and the existing infrastructure and resources in the field of radioactive waste management and radiation protection. Phase 2 will involve development of specific proposals based on the needs identified in Phase 1.

Attività svolta da ENEA:

Il progetto richiede ai vari partner lo svolgimento di attività relative all'inventario a livello nazionale delle risorse disponibili (sia come infrastrutture che come istituti erogatori di corsi specialistici) per la formazione e l'addestramento dei tecnici che intendono svolgere attività professionale nel campo della gestione dei rifiuti radioattivi. Viene inoltre richiesto di realizzare una breve summa delle normative nazionali vigenti e delle eventuali carenze riscontrate. Tutti i partecipanti dovranno inoltre partecipare attivamente sia all'analisi della situazione attualmente esistente a livello europeo che alla redazione di appropriate linee guida che consentano di armonizzare in tutta Europa gli standard relativi alla formazione e all'addestramento dei tecnici nucleari sia nel campo della radioprotezione che della gestione dei rifiuti radioattivi.
