Num. Contratto:
Responsabile ENEA:
Ruolo ENEA:
Sito Web:
Programma Quadro:
Programma UE:
Clean Hydrogen JU - Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Area Tematica:
Energy - hydrogen
Tipo Progetto:
CSA - Coordination and support action
Fuel cells and hydrogen (FCH) systems are increasingly considered in energy and climate policies, roadmaps and plans all over the world.
In order to avoid past criticalities, such as those leading to a climate emergency situation, sustainability criteria are being progressively
implemented in these initiatives, e.g., by promoting low-carbon renewable hydrogen in Europe. In this regard, science-based criteria
and procedures are required to guarantee the environmental suitability of FCH products, reporting their life-cycle environmental profile
according to the principles of transparency, traceability, reproducibility, and consistency for comparability. While these principles are
aligned with those of the general methodological guidance for Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) studies, further specification
is required to effectively implement them when addressing FCH products. Hence, the HyPEF project aspires to support and promote
the establishment of an environmentally-responsible hydrogen economy by developing and testing the first Product Environmental
Footprint Category Rules (PEFCRs) specific to FCH products, while paving the way for subsequent related initiatives in the FCH
sector. HyPEF is conceptualised as the natural step forward in methodological specification towards policy- and market-relevant lifecycle
environmental assessment and benchmarking of FCH products. The interdisciplinary approach behind HyPEF leads to crucial
advancements regarding (i) the first development and application of well-accepted PEFCRs tailored to three pre-selected FCH product
categories (electrolysers for hydrogen production, tanks for hydrogen storage, and fuel cells for hydrogen stationary use), (ii) increased
high-quality data availability for consistent environmental assessment and benchmarking of FCH products, and (iii) first PEF-oriented
policy recommendations towards official qualification of an FCH product as an environmentally-responsible investment.
Attività svolta da ENEA:
ENEA è responsabile dei task 2.4 – Screening PEF of the three representative products (WP2 - Setting the Ground for FCH-PEFCRs) - e 4.2 - Application in case studies on hydrogen storage units (WP4 - Application of the FCH-PEFCRs in Case Studies)- finalizzati allo screening delle PEF di tre prodotti rappresentativi definiti nell’ambito del progetto, e l’applicazione delle PEF ad un caso studio sui serbatoi di stoccaggio dell’idrogeno. ENEA sarà anche leader della Subtask 3.2.2 - Development of the first draft of PEFCRs for tanks for hydrogen storage (WP3 - Development of PEFCRs for Three FCH Product Categories).
ENEA inoltre contribuisce alle seguenti attività scientifiche: Task 2.1. Analysis of relevant existing (PEF)CRs, Task 2.3. Selection of FCH product categories and definition of the 3 representative products, Task 3.1. Set-up and management of the FCH-PEFCRs development process, Task 3.2. Development of three sets of FCH-PEFCRs, Task 3.3. Refinement and consolidation of FCH-PEFCRs.
ENEA avrà anche la responsabilità di produrre 2 deliverable (Reports): D2.3: Screening LCA of the three representative products e D4.2: Report on case studies on hydrogen tanks.