Num. Contratto:
SNAM SPA (Italia)
Responsabile ENEA:
Ruolo ENEA:
Sito Web:
Programma Quadro:
Programma UE:
Clean Hydrogen JU - Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Area Tematica:
Energy - hydrogen
Tipo Progetto:
RIA - Research and Innovation Action
How much hydrogen (H2) is released from the value chain? To answer the question is very challenging since insufficient and, when
available, no standardized data can be found in the literature. However, it is essential to cover this knowledge gap to perform any
credible and scientifically validated research regarding the H2 value chain impact on the climate change. The literature is full of studies
investigating and calculating the risk of H2 leakages in case of failures, accidents, and emergencies. But significant knowledge gaps
exist about the amount of anthropogenic H2 (in the atmosphere) from the H2 value chain. The research community needs to address
this by improving the capability to quantify small and large releases, delivering validated methodologies and techniques for measuring
or calculating them. A universally accepted and open-access inventory is needed as soon as possible. Likewise, an open access and
comprehensible tool that is easy to be used is also asked by the stakeholders to better quantify the leaks from the whole in H2 value
chain while the momentum is fast gathering to upscale H2 energy applications. The NHyRA project is specifically designed to address
these urgent needs. The project will deliver a "H2 releases" inventory to serve as a reference for the scientific and industrial community.
New or adequately adapted experimental, theoretical, and simulation methodologies will be validated to perform laboratory or in-field
measurements to achieve the ambitious goal. Experimental tests will also be performed on the most critical elements of the H2 value
chains by the partners of the Consortium. A complete picture of the H2 releases' scenarios in the middle (2030) and long (2050) term
will be developed to enable decision-makers to identify and prioritize effective mitigation actions. And finally, the project will formulate
recommendations for Standards and Technical Specifications.
Attività svolta da ENEA:
In particolare, ENEA è chiamata a contribuire alle seguenti 7 tasks scientifiche:
• Task 1.1: Definition of the H2 supply chains and unit processes (M1 – M6): [Lead partner: FBK; Participant partners: UNIBO, FBK, SNAM, ENEA, SURREY, DLR, ENGIE, BH, LINDE, EQN]
• Task 1.3: Priority list of the most critical elements (M3 – M12) [Lead partner: UNIBO; Participant partners: SURREY, ENEA, DLR, INIG, ENGIE, BH, NPL, SNAM, LINDE, EQN]
• Task 4.1: Modelling of the H2 releases from hydrogen value chain (M12 – M26) [Lead partner: ENGIE; Participant partners: FBK, SURREY, ENEA, INIG, DLR, UNIBO, BH, SNAM]
• Task 4.3: Mitigation benefits at value chain level (M30 – M34) [Lead partner: ENGIE; Participant partners: FBK, ENEA, SURREY, UNIBO, BH]
• Task 5.1: Hydrogen H2 economy Scenario identification (M12-M24) [Lead partner: FBK; Participant partners: ENEA, SURREY, INIG, UNIBO, DLR; GERG]
• Task 5.2: H2 releases from H2 economy Scenarios (M24-M36) [Lead partner: FBK; Participant partners: ENEA, SURREY, ENGIE]
• Task 5.3: Liaison with project on H2 fate in the atmosphere and climate forcing (M31-M36) [Lead partner: ENEA; Participant partners: FBK, SURREY, INIG, SNAM, UNIBO, DLR, ENGIE]
Grant form: Lump Sum