Num. Contratto:
ENEA (Italia)
Responsabile ENEA:
Ruolo ENEA:
Sito Web:
Sito WEB non disponibile
Programma Quadro:
Programma UE:
Euratom - Complementary research programme for nuclear research and training
Area Tematica:
Energy - fission
Tipo Progetto:
RIA - Research and Innovation Action
Shortening the time-to market of the LFR technology is an ambitious, but undeniably important factor to attract additional investments,
thanks to the lower initial risk, added flexibility, and faster return of experience. Industries and utilities sharing the vision of a competitive
LFR of a small and medium-size with modular features will be attracted by the compressed deployment roadmap, and will play a leverage
role at national and European level, strengthening synergies and creating public–private–partnership opportunities. In this context, the
European community working on the LFR development and deployment assumed the commitment, among others, to highlight the
technical open issues and existing research infrastructures, aiming to support the R&D phase through European, national and in-kind
contribution of the involved partners. The aim of the LESTO project is moving on along the depicted roadmap, aiming at further
developing the LFR technology, supporting the demonstration that LFRs can be designed, sited, constructed, commissioned and operated
in line with the requirements of the actual safety standards, with particular focus on their safety features and passive safety systems. Along
the project the most relevant facilities in Europe and UK will be adopted to implement a large and very comprehensive experimental
database for code validation, safety assessment and component/system demonstration. Among the others, it is worth to mention the
large-scale pool type ATHENA facility, being commissioned in Romania, the CIRCE pool in Italy, as well as MELECOR in UK. These
facilities, with the support of research infrastructure in Belgium, Germany and Sweden represent the state of art for the LFR R&D.
Large emphasis will be devoted to transient analysis in large pools, allowing the community to cross the death valley from laboratory
to industry scale
Attività svolta da ENEA:
ENEA è leader del WP2 LFR Passive Systems e del WP6 Coordination and Management. Inoltre partecipa attivamente ai seguent WP:
WP1 LFR Sustainability, in supporto alle analisi neutroniche per migliorare i modelli presenti in codici di performance del combustibile; WP3 LFR materials and coolant chemistry control, supportando RATEN-ICN nell’implementazione presso la facility ATHENA di un sistema di controllo dell’ossigeno nella cover gas e conducendo insieme a newcleo test di corrosione in piombo ad alta temperatura; WP4 Thermal-hydraulics of large-scale systems, operando le modifiche e i test nella facility CIRCE e conducendo relative analisi di pre-test e post-test insieme agli altri partner, conducendo analisi di pre-test e post-test insieme agli altri partner degli esperimenti nella facility ATHENA; WP5 Education, Training and Networking, supportando le attività di training e formazione previste per tutti i partner