Num. Contratto:
Responsabile ENEA:
Ruolo ENEA:
Sito Web:
Sito WEB non disponibile
Programma Quadro:
Sesto Programma Quadro EURATOM (2002-2006)
Programma UE:
Euratom fissione - Fissione nucleare e radioprotezione
Area Tematica:
Tipo Progetto:
STREP - Progetti Specifici Mirati
The GEN IV initiative considers fast reactors mandatory for a sustainable development of the Nuclear Energy. Europe has a large experience in the field of sodium-cooled fast reactors (e.g. SPX1) and has made a big effort in the Lead-Bismuth Eutectic (LBE) technology for use in the sub-critical reactors in both the past FP5 and the ongoing FP6.
The natural development is the use of pure lead since less expensive, less corrosive and of lesser radiological concern than LBE. Lead is chemically inert and has good neutronic characteristics that are unique among the coolants for a fast reactor. The ELSY project aims at the demonstration that it is possible to design a competitive and safe fast power reactor using simple technical engineered features. The high lead density has the advantage that, in the hypothetical case of a core disruption, it is unlikely to lead to core compaction scenarios, which might cause the insertion of large amounts of reactivity in a short time.
The use of compact in-vessel steam generators and of a simple primary circuit with possibly all Internals being removable are among the reactor features for competitive electric energy generation and long-term investment protection. Europe is taking the initiative to promote this ambitious project and its relevant to note that the FP6 is the last opportunity to carry out a very innovative activity with participation of young engineers and scientists, who would learn from engineers and scientists near to retirement with large experience in fast reactors design.
GEN IV Partners outside Europe are also willing to participate in design and development of a common large-scale LFR. The activity consists of management and technical activity subdivided into six Work-Packages:
WP1: Design objectives, cost estimate, future R and D needs WP2: Core design and performance assessment;
WP3: Main components and systems;
WP4: System integration;
WP5: Safety and transient analysys;
WP6: Lead technology.
Attività svolta da ENEA:
Il Decreto di riordino 257/2003 prevede che “L’ENEA sia responsabile del presidio scientifico e tecnologico in tema di energia nucleare”. La partecipazione al progetto ELSY si inquadra pienamente in questo ruolo. E’ da rilevare che il sistema nucleare italiano composto da ANSALDO, CESI, CIRTEN ed ENEA, ha individuato nel Lead-cooled Fast Reactor il sistema “veloce” di IV generazione più promettente in termini di sostenibilità (i.e. minimizzazione dei rifiuti radioattivi e migliore sfruttamento del combustibile nucleare), economicità, sicurezza e resistenza alla proliferazione. Lo stesso concetto è sostenuto dal sistema italiano sia nell’ambito di GIF (il coordinatore del progetto è anche rappresentante dell’EURATOM e dell’industria europea nello Steering Committee dei LFR di Generation IV), sia nel programma nucleare nazionale, in via di definizione, che verrà finanziato dal comitato CERSE del MAP. Il LFR è, dunque, potenzialmente in grado di offrire al decisore politico un’opzione tecnica fattibile per il rilancio dell’energia nucleare da fissione in Europa e, in teoria, anche in Italia, nel medio-lungo termine.