Num. Contratto:
Responsabile ENEA:
Ruolo ENEA:
Sito Web:
Sito WEB non disponibile
Programma Quadro:
Programma UE:
Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Area Tematica:
Life sciences - food industry
Tipo Progetto:
RIA - Research and Innovation Action
IMPROVE aims at evaluating the nutritional, health, safety and quality aspects together with the environmental and socio-economic
impacts of protein novel foods (NFs) obtained from unconventional sources. In order to close the project loop by maximizing the positive
impact on the transition towards healthier, protein NFs, the overall approach to alternative protein production in IMPROVE is based
on utilization of selected agri-food and fisheries&acquaculture by-products as primary feedstock as well as on the utilization of natural
protein producers, i.e. fungi, bacteria, insects micro- and macroalgae. The secondary by-products formed along the value chain will be upcycled
for their use in the food production cycle or for the production of process energy. The obtained proteins will undergo modification
and functionalization followed by a sensory evaluation and testing in food human trials and in aquaculture as feed ingredients. The project
will also test the feasibility of producing NF products by simulating realistic industrial scale, using different methods and tools such as
LCA, LCC, RA, TEA and AO as well as Digital Twins and real time AI-driven monitoring and DSS tools. The optimization of parameters
affecting the protein NF production will be evaluated at the end to increase protein content and the impact assessment evaluated on each
single stage (extraction, characterization, modification/functionalization of protein rich fraction, production of NFs) and on the integrated
processes. IMPROVE NF acceptance and social relevance –also through sensory evaluation actions- will be assessed in four markets
(Europe, USA, Africa and Asia) to benchmark the European scenario with the rest of the world. Only by using an integrated approach
like the one proposed in IMPROVE will it be possible to evaluate the correct feasibility in the use of alternative proteins in the food
sector with a realistic sustainable approach.
Attività svolta da ENEA:
L’ENEA è partner di progetto, mentre è WP leader “Alternative proteins production and processing data gathered” ed, in tale contesto è task leader per il Task 2.4 Insect-based proteins: Tebrio molitor (TM) and TLW defatted and Circular feed system e Task 2.6 Micro and macroalgae protein. Partecipa inoltre a tutti i task di questo WP ed è inoltre impegnato al Work package WP3 – From proteins to novel foods per l’adattamento e funzionalizzazione degli outcome derivanti dal WP2. Le attività prevedono inoltre il supporto al Work package WP4 – Simulators of the industrial production of the proteins under the study per quanto attiene la valorizzazione dei risultati ottenuti su WP2 e WP3.Contribuisce inoltre al WP7 Ethics requirements per quanto attiene la salvaguardia dei principi etici nei paesi che saranno eventualmente soggetti alle attività di testing con particolare attenzione alle aree soggette a maggiore depressione socio-economica.