Num. Contratto:
ENEA (Italia)
Responsabile ENEA:
Ruolo ENEA:
Sito Web:
Sito WEB non disponibile
Programma Quadro:
Other programmes
Programma UE:
COST - Cooperazione europea nel campo della ricerca S&T
Area Tematica:
Environment - air quality
Tipo Progetto:
N/A - Non applicabile
The main objective of the Action is to develop new sensing technologies for Air Quality Control at integrated and multidisciplinary scale by coordinated research on nanomaterials, sensor-systems, air-quality modelling and standardised methods for supporting environmental sustainability with a special focus on Small and Medium Enterprises.
This Action will focus on a new detection paradigm based on sensing technologies at low cost for Air Quality Control (AQC) and set up an interdisciplinary top-level coordinated network to define innovative approaches in sensor nanomaterials, gas sensors and devices, wireless sensor-systems, distributed computing, methods, models, standards and protocols for environmental sustainability within the European Research Area (ERA). The state-of-the-art showed that research on innovative sensing technologies for AQC based on advanced chemical sensors and sensor-systems at low-cost, including functional materials and nanotechnologies for eco-sustainability applications, the outdoor/indoor environment control, olfactometry, air-quality modelling, chemical weather forecasting, and related standardisation methods is performed already at the international level, but still needs serious efforts for coordination to boost new sensing paradigms for research and innovation. Only a close multidisciplinary cooperation will ensure cleaner air in Europe and reduced negative effects on human health for future generations in smart cities, efficient management of green buildings at low CO2 emissions, and sustainable economic development. The objective of the Action is to create a cooperative network to explore new sensing technologies for low-cost air-pollution control through field studies and laboratory experiments to transfer the results into preventive real-time control practises and global sustainability for monitoring climate changes and outdoor/indoor energy efficiency.
Attività svolta da ENEA:
ENEA coordinates this multidisciplinary Action devoted to R&D of new sensing technologies for air-pollution control and environmental sustainability. This Action, under Memorandum of Understanding (MoU oc-2011-1-9706) signed by 25 COST Countries (EU-zone: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom) and 5 Non-COST Countries (extra-EU including Australia, Canada, China, Russia, USA) includes over 75 research teams from academia, research institutes, agencies and industry. COST is an intergovernmental framework for cooperation in Science and Technology. ENEA participates in all Working Groups and Special Interest Groups, especially in Materials, Sensors, Measurements, Network of Spin-offs and Environmental Sensors for Smart Cities.
Azione Concertata, che non prevede assegnazione preventiva di budget al singolo partner; l'importo assegnato a ciascun partner sarà determinato a consuntivo.