Num. Contratto:
Responsabile ENEA:
Ruolo ENEA:
Sito Web:
Programma Quadro:
Programma UE:
Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and the Bioeconomy - Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy
Area Tematica:
Life sciences - food industry
Tipo Progetto:
IA - Innovation Action
As the world population is continuously increasing, the supply of food with equal accessibility has become a major issue and future challenge. Microbes are unexploited tool to increase food productivity and quality. The objective of SIMBA project is to harness complex soil and marine microbial communities (microbiomes) for the sustainable production of food. SIMBA will focus on two interconnected food chains, i.e. crop production, aquaculture. SIMBA will first launch an in silico phase in order to analyze the further pre-existing microbiome databases and earlier studies, to identify the best microbiome layout capable of supporting food chain quality and productivity. Microbiome-tailored interventions will be specifically developed including soil, plant, fish, aquaculture and food/feed processing towards optimal layout as defined in the modelling step, as follows:
i) Identified optimal microbiome consortia will be designed and tested in lab, pot and field trials to improve plant
productivity and health;
ii) Marine microbiomes will be applied to facilitate sustainable aqua and agriculture;
iii) Optimal microbe/microbe consortia will be used to convert raw-materials and residuals to high quality food, feed or finally to energy.
In a final intervention step, these interactions will be monitored and tested in field, aqua-culturing, fish feeding and human studies, measuring the impact on microbiome consortia, interactions in association with factors evaluating their efficacy in terms of improving food security, productivity, quality, safety, sustainability, nutritional and health aspects. "Near to market” microbiome applications for sustainable food systems will be provided thanks to the interdisciplinary and cross-sectional nature of the proposal and the active role of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
Attività svolta da ENEA:
L'ENEA è responsabile del Work Package 2 e collabora a sette dei nove WP del progetto per l'esecuzione di attività di ricerca, di scaling-up industriale, disseminazione e management. In particolare, nel WP 2 l'ENEA si occupa del coordinamento delle attività delle prove in serra e in campo; analisi dell'effetto di consorzi microbici promotori della crescita delle piante sul microbioma del suolo in relazione a diversi fattori biotici e abiotici.
2021 - amendment: proroga di 12 mesi dell'attività al 31 ottobre 2023 (durata 60 mesi) e rimodulazione dei costi ENEA senza modifica del contributo CE a ENEA.
2022 - nuovo amendment: aumento del costo ENEA e del contributo a ENEA (da 730.000 a 737.419 euro) e riduzione del costo totale del progetto (da 10.530.862 a 10.373.932 euro)
2023 - amendment aumento del costo ENEA e del contributo a ENEA (da 737.419 a 753.731 euro) determina 77/2023/SSPT-BIOAG
2023 - rimodulati soltanto i costi ENEA con diversa ripartizione tra le tipologie di costo; invariato il costo eleggibile per la CE e il contributo a ENEA (determina 187/2023/SSPT-BIOAG)